Slice App Mobile Redesign

Slice had already launched their Slice app on mobile but was hoping to improve on their general look and feel, and to increase conversion rate by streamlining their onboarding flow. Users found navigation and settings confusing. We also needed to make this productivity app more delightful to use, so as to improve user engagement. When I started at Slice, they already had an aggressive iOS launch date set for this mobile redesign. I inherited personas and user research done prior to my arrival and set to work. 


1. Streamline onboarding experience and set a visual design language from the beginning of the welcome tour with micro-animations.

2. Reorganize user home feed since they were confused by the difference between shipments and purchases, clean up navigation, move actions from navigation to card specific action overlay, transform Slice n Dice into fun interactive floating bubbles where users can discover their spending habits. Add pinching interaction to expand and collapse card view and bar charts within Slice n Dice. Awarded Editor’s Choice from Apple App Store during iOS launch and later featured at the Google Play Store when we launch on Android. Usabiity testing after launch was positive and users engagement rose, new micro interactions delighted users and make interacting with our product more ‘human’. Adding tips prove to be great for recommended content.

3. We continue to gather user feedback after initial launch and add new features:

Adding ‘Share Shipment’ feature 

4. We have our product vision and roadmap, but we also take feedback from our users seriously, especially if it is a repeated request, such a feature added was ‘Returns’. This feature allows users to mark their items returned and link subsequent return shipments to the original order. It has the flexibility of letting users mark different items from different shipments returned from a single order and let users track that return shipment seamlessly. The ability to personalize their experience right within the product keeps the engagement empathetic.

5. Upon more usability testing and user feedback, duplication of cards across ‘Right Now’ and ‘All Orders’ continued to confuse users, as well as low discovery of sections under side navigation. This led to another Slice app update with new Price Drops, new navigation at the bottom, cleaner look without teal background and introduced the FAB button for quick actions.

6. Price drops was previously a list of deals from merchants we support, we moved this under DEALS and further developed our Price Drops feature. We can now offer users automatic price drops detection from purchases they recently made by submitting for price adjustments to merchants on users’ behalf.

After an initial stakeholder interview, it was determined that there was much equity already built with the Slice box icon, With that in mind, I redesigned the Slice logo, established a color palette and style guide to be used throughout the various products that Slice was building. The result was a cohesive visual language for all platforms.